Jenny Gustafsson recruited as Head of the AP Funds’ Council on Ethics
Jenny has for many years held leading positions in sustainable investments in the asset management organisations at AMF and Handelsbanken. She has engaged in advocacy work in areas such as climate change and human rights with Swedish and international companies. She has also played a part in the growing coordination and development of sustainability issues in the financial sector. Jenny will take up the position in June.
Magdalena Håkansson, Chair of the AP Funds’ Council on Ethics, says:
“We are delighted with the recruitment of Jenny Gustafsson and her combined skills and experience in leadership and sustainable investments. The Head of the Council has a particularly key role in strengthening the AP Funds’ work as responsible owners. It has been important to find a person who both has a great understanding of the complex advocacy work that we have ahead of us, and can lead and develop the new Council.”
Jenny Gustafsson, incoming Head of the AP Funds’ Council on Ethics:
“I have long followed the work of the AP Funds and the Council on Ethics with great interest. I can say that the Council has a good reputation, not least internationally, thanks to a solid, long-term approach. I am both pleased and honoured to be given the opportunity to build on and develop the activities of the Council, going forward. Personally, my driving force is to develop sustainability strategies and to influence companies to change, while contributing to long-term value creation in both companies and society.”
For more information, contact:
Magdalena Håkansson, Chair of the AP Funds’ Council on Ethics, +46 8 566 20 200
The AP Funds Council on Ethics
See previous press releases on the development work of the AP Funds’ Council on Ethics.
The AP Funds’ Council on Ethics is a collaboration between AP1, AP2, AP3 and AP4 on sustainability issues, with the aim of strengthening the AP Funds as exemplary managers and responsible owners, based on a strong foundation of trust and a solid reputation. The aim of the collaborative effort is to achieve a positive impact on portfolio companies and their value chains from an economic, environmental and social perspective. Collaboration within the Council on Ethics has a strong position both nationally and internationally and today plays a key role, through dialogue and engagement, in driving positive change in foreign companies in which the Swedish AP Funds are shareholders.
The Council works both proactively and reactively with companies in the portfolios held by the AP Funds. The point of departure is that over time, well-managed and responsible companies provide higher returns at lower risk. The Council’s aim is for companies and sectors to use a systematic, structured and transparent approach to working on sustainability.
As of 1 January, the Council’s organisation consists of a new Board with one member from each fund appointed by the respective CEO. The Council’s Secretariat will be reinforced with additional resources in the form of the incoming Head of the Council on Ethics.
Read more at www.etikrå