Principles of corporate governance
Our stewardship activities aim to reinforce the companies in which we have ownership interests
By being a business-oriented, long-term and transparent owner with a high level of integrity, Första AP-fonden reinforces the companies in which we have ownership interests while also fulfilling our mandate.
The aim of our stewardship work is to increase returns and reduce financial risk over the long term, as well as contributing to sustainable development. Our work is rooted in our belief that efficient use of the world’s resources, such as natural capital, human capital and financial capital, along with responsible business conduct, will pave the way for sustainable development and long-term, sustainable returns.
We believe that well-managed companies are more likely to generate profits and avoid risks. That is why we want to make responsible use of the position afforded us through our ownership to be a positive influence on the companies we own. Our main tools of influence involve dialogue, voting at general meetings, working on nomination committees and collaborations with other investors. Board representation is key in unlisted companies where we have a significant share of voting power.
Our responsible investment policy underpins the Fund’s work on stewardship. It sets out general principles and strategies for our approach to stewardship and our expectations of the companies in which we invest.
We have also produced a brochure setting out our expectations. This covers aspects such as human rights, corruption and corporate governance.
Första AP-fonden’s principles of corporate governance
Första AP-fonden’s work as a responsible owner is based on our eight principles of corporate governance. It also sets out our basic expectations of the companies in which we have ownership interests:
1. Voting rights and right to submit proposals at general meetings
2. Equal treatment of all shareholders
3. Adequate capital structure
4. Effective Boards of Directors
5. Fair and market-based remuneration
6. Audit and internal control
7. Climate, environment and social responsibility
8. Provision of information with relevant policies and guidelines
Swedish Code of Corporate Governance
Första AP-fonden aims to ensure that all Swedish companies listed on a regulated market in Sweden apply the Code. For companies domiciled or primarily listed in another country, the Fund’s stewardship practices consider the local corporate governance traditions and codes in force.
Geographical differences
Given that we generally hold greater shareholdings in Swedish companies, we have more of an opportunity to influence them via direct dialogue with the Board, or the Chair of the Board, to discuss various issues and jointly arrive at compromises that both the owners and the Boards are satisfied with; and also via nomination committee work and active participation at general meetings.
In foreign companies where the Fund generally has a smaller shareholding, we have less of an opportunity to exert an influence, and our main tools for stewardship activities include voting at general meetings and cooperating with other investors to influence the company to make positive changes.