Asset classes and how we invest
Diversification of risks creates options for generating returns
We invest worldwide and in many different types of assets and strategies. Our aim is to spread the risks while also creating several options for generating returns.
Första AP-fonden’s asset management is divided into six units: Fixed Income and Currencies, Equities, Exposure, Tactical Asset Allocation and Quantitative Management, Alternative Investments and ESG. All units, and asset classes, help to create the Fund’s well-diversified portfolio and efficient management.
”Through a well-diversified portfolio with global assets, we spread the risks”
Assets and units
Investing in equities involves risk, but it also offers potential for high returns over time. The Fund’s equity portfolio includes a selection of companies in Sweden and developed foreign markets, primarily the US and Europe, but also in Asia.
Fixed Income
Investments in fixed-income securities normally reduce the risk of the overall portfolio while contributing to the Fund’s returns. The Fund’s fixed-income portfolio is primarily made up of nominal and real government bonds with high credit ratings.
Alternative Investments
Alternative Investments is a generic term for investments in unlisted, private investments that often have low liquidity. Första AP-fonden invests in alternative investments in order to diversify the portfolio in the event of a major stock market downturn, for example, thereby contributing to stability of the portfolio.
This unit includes the Fund’s equity portfolios in North America, Europe, Japan and Pacific ex Japan. The portfolios represent much of the Fund’s exposure to developed countries and invest in highly liquid equities. The equity portfolios have an important role to play in meeting the Fund’s liquidity requirements under the Swedish AP Funds Act.
Tactical Asset Allocation and Quantitative Management
This unit is responsible for Global Tactical Asset Allocation (GTAA) and Systematic Strategies (SysStrat). Its emphasis is on the systematic and quantitative management of the Group’s risk mandate.
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)
The ESG team supports the entire asset management organisation in its work relating to responsible investment and stewardship. Taking into account environmental, social and governance aspects is a vital part of any modern asset management strategy with a view to achieving high long-term returns and sound risk management. By being a committed and responsible owner, we can influence the companies in which we invest to manage relevant risks in a sustainable manner.