Two new board members of Första AP-fonden
Annika Andersson is a professional board director. She holds an M.Sc.Econ. from the Stockholm School of Economics and has extensive experience in the financial industry, including as a portfolio manager and responsible for ownership issues, information and sustainability at Fjärde AP-fonden (AP4). In addition to the assignment for AP1, Annika Andersson is also the chairman of the board of INVISIO AB and Sequitor Engineering AB.
Erica Sjölander has been head of the Co-ordination Office at the Swedish Unions within Industry since 2017 and has previously been head of the Research Department at IF Metall and a political advisor in the Political Secretariat at the Prime Minister’s Office. She has also held positions on the board for AP4 and the Swedish Export Credit Agency (EKN). Erica Sjölander has a master’s degree in economics.
Åsa-Pia Järliden Bergström is leaving the Board. The appointment of other members of the Board of Directors is renewed.
Members of the AP Funds’ boards are appointed by law on the basis of their ability to promote fund management. They are appointed according to practice for one year at a time, with a limitation of about eight years. All currently appointed members will be appointed from 25 May 2022 until the Government approves the AP Funds’ income statement and balance sheets for 2022.