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26 May 2023

New board members in Första AP-fonden

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The government has appointed Lars Fresker and Linda Jonsson as new members of the Board of Directors at Första AP-fonden (AP1).

Lars Fresker is a former reserve officer and is since 2001 the President of the Swedish Association of Military Officers. Lars has extensive board experience from both Kåpan Pensioner and KPA Tjänstepension.

Linda Jonsson is Member of the Regional Executive Board with responsibility for sustainability and gender equality at Region Norrbotten, as well as a member of the Regional Assembly and the Board of the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. Linda is also group leader for the Left Party in Pajala.

Lars is nominated by SACO and Linda is nominated by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR). Kent Eriksson, Per Klingbjer and Charlotte Nordström are leaving the Board, and we want to thank them for their time on the Board. The appointment of the additional members of the Board of Directors is renewed.

Members of the AP Funds’ boards are appointed by law on the basis of their ability to promote fund management. They are appointed according to practice for one year at a time, with a limitation of about eight years. All currently appointed members will be appointed from 25 May 2025 until the Government approves the AP Funds’ income statement and balance sheets for 2022.