The general meeting of shareholders, both Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Extra General Meetings, are a company’s highest decision-making body, and an important tool for shareholders to exert their ownership influence. Första AP-fonden (AP1) generally attends all AGMs and EGMs in Swedish listed companies, and votes at the AGMs and EGMs of many foreign listed companies.
Ahead of all General Meetings, AP1 analyses available information for all decision points at the meeting. The ambition with Swedish companies is to resolve any differences of opinion well in advance of the meeting. For this reason, the company holds discussions with companies in the run-up to the AGM season. The decision proposals which the Board presents are therefore often the result of discussions between the Board of Directors and a number of institutional investors.
A list of AP1’s votes on various issues at AGMs and EGMs can be seen below.
Voting at Swedish and foreign General Meetings since 2020 (updated continuously)